Personal, Professional and Educational Biography
Marcus D. George

Pastor Marcus George is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana and a Fair Park High School Alumni. In 1995, he entered the United States Marine Core for four years. In 1999 at the age of 22, he returned home and entered the United States Army National Guard for an additional six years. In that same year, he rededicated his life back to Christ at Praise Temple Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral under the covering of Bishop L. Lawrence Brandon and Co Pastor Wanda Brandon.
As the former Executive Director of the Missions and Evangelism Ministry at Praise Temple, throughout Shreveport, Bossier City and surrounding States, Pastor George has proven he has a heart for God’s people and has trained and led thousands to Jesus Christ. He stands firm on the belief that “Evangelism is the Heartbeat of the Church”! He currently serves as Personal Assistant to Bishop L. Lawrence Brandon, Third Presiding Bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International, and he is a part of the Home Missions Team serving Full Gospel under the leadership of Bishop Dwight Gunn. Pastor George is the author of “Evangelism 101: It’s as Easy as ABC”.
On December 8, 2018, Praise Temple North was birthed by way of much fasting and prayer. Pastor George serves this wonderful location as Founder/Senior Pastor, where he was installed February 19, 2019 by Bishop L. Lawrence Brandon. In September 2022, Pastor George was elevated to oversee the Praise Temple of Shreveport location as Campus Pastor as Bishop Brandon expanded back home to Oakland, CA to Pastor the historic Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church. In September 2023, Pastor Marcus George was elevated yet again at Praise Temple of Shreveport to serve as Senior Pastor and Overseer.
In 2010 Pastor Marcus George received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. He recently received his certification in Christian Counseling from the National Association of Christian Counselors and is currently in school to receive his Masters Degree in Christian Counseling/Psychology. Pastor George is also a certified HVAC technician through Ayers Career College.
Pastor Marcus George and his wife Madis have been married for 22 years, and they have one son, Reginald.